All About Science - Now A BLOG!
Sophic Pursuits, Inc. provided a column to the Ponca City News, but now it will be a blog which can be found here.
Yet, space is limited, and sometimes there is a need to provide links to more information or to some of the resources discussed in the column. For example, in a column patterns for making newspaper kites were mentioned or tornadoes were referenced. So, here is a place to get that type of information!
Some historic items. With Additional Links
Keeping Flowers Fresh

Contradictions of Spring.pdf (PDF — 587 KB)
- An April 2016 Column
- Here is the Reactions Video
- Another reference from the Kansas State Extension Service
What is in that Brown Bottle

Just what is that stuff in the brown bottle.pdf (PDF — 591 KB)
- Here ACS Reactions Videos that show reactions using hydrogen peroxide
Mosquito as a source of illness and Zika
- Here is a link to the ACS ReactionsVideo on Zika
Halloween Science
- The Sounds of Halloween from Scientific American or from NPR and Science Friday
- The Chemistry of Halloween Candy from the American Chemical Society
- Real World Zombies - from Mental Floss and Discovery News
- Halloween Experiments from the American Chemical Society
National Chemistry Week Resources - Available from the American Chemical Society
Paper Airplanes
Here are some links to paper airplane patterns:
Chemistry in Oklahoma
Want to learn more about iodine? Or, the oil and gas industry? Here are some helpful links:
Oil and Gas Industry - From the American Petroleum Institute - Oil & Natural Gas Overview
From the U.S. Energy Information Administration - Energy Explained
Astronomical Guides and Resource
2015 - Top 101 Astronomical Events from Universe Today
Follow Sky and Week at a Glance
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Night Sky Planner can be found here.
Specific information on Comet C/2014 Q1 PanSTARRS
Oklahoma Geology Guides
Looking for a bit of an in State adventure for the summer break? How about looking at the geology of the world around you. Most States have a geologic society. Check out the individual geologic society websites for your particular area. But, here is a link to the Oklahoma Geology Guides. Guide 36 is of particular interest to Kay and Osage Counties. Other free Geology Resources including a geologic time scale can be found at the Geological Society of America.
Physics of Baseball & Information on Baseball Bat Performance
* The Physics of Baseball by Alan Nathan - A collection of various articles on the performance of the bat, the ball and the collision.
* More on the performance of the bat and optimum bat weight by sport - little league, softball, and majors - by Daniel Russell.
Earth Day - Links to Information and Activities:
The Environmental Protection Agency's Earth Day Site
The United Nations Earth Day Site
American Chemical Society - Chemists Celebrate Earth Day
Information on the National Chemical Historic Landmark - Rachel Carson
Kite Patterns:
In a March 2015 column, the PBS Newspaper Kites Instructions were referenced. The PBS article can be found here (
However, the internet is filled with kite patterns/plans. Here is a sample:
From Instructables, Mother Goose Crafts, the Dublin Kite Fest and eHow.
Doppler Radar and Tornadoes
The John P. Finley book can be found here.
The Tornado Data from the National Climatic Data Center can be found on its US Tornado Climatology Page.